
23 results for   Category: Personal Development


Aprendiendo por las malas, por Rose Focht

Cuando siento la tentación de frustrarme con un niño que no está entendiendo ni cooperando inmediatamente, tengo que recordarme a mí misma que yo tengo mis propias formas de hacer lo mío.

Learning the Hard Way, Rose Focht

When I’m tempted to get frustrated with a child for not “getting it” and cooperating right away, I have to remind myself that I have my own ways of doing my own thing.

Teaching Kids to Accept “No”

One of the benefits is that it helps children respect others boundaries and set their own.  

Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Food-Free, and Other Diet Stories

On a special diet? Here are 3 gluten-free, dairy-free recipes!

Motivation: Making Milestones Matter

A little motivation can give your whole family something to look forward to and help everyone dig a little deeper to contribute his best to both school and household chores.

When Plans Derail: How to Make Lemonade Memories!

Homeschooling is not meant to replicate a classroom—and even the best classrooms hit snags. The most important thing you can do is watch for both teaching and learning opportunities from whatever lessons life offers. . .

Delegation: A New Approach

It’s not that “I’m not very good at delegating.” It’s just that I have to approach it in a way that works for me.

Gathering College Application Information

If college applications are on the horizon, be prepared ahead of time with all the important documentation your student will need. Here’s what you need to know, Mom!

A Thomas Jefferson Education

DeMille’s book offers some valuable tips that could reshape your approach to homeschooling.

Introduction: Exploring Options, Discovering and Preparing for a Career

Homeschooling in high school doesn’t mean just getting our teens to graduation. A big part of our task is helping our students figure out what to do next after high school—and then using the high school years to prepare them.