
122 results for   Category: College Prep


Preparing for College: A Bird's-Eye View

Questions about the college admissions process and how best to prepare your teen for the rigors of college academics? We have answers!

Más información sobre las pruebas SAT, ACT y CLT


Preparación para la universidad: un panorama general

¿Se pregunta sobre el proceso de admisión a la universidad? ¿O sobre la mejor manera de preparar a su hijo adolescente para los estudios rigurosos de la universidad? ¡Tenemos respuestas!

AP Exams and AP Courses

AP Exams and courses give your teen the opportunity to delve into college-level work, earn college credit or advanced placement, and save both time and money.

Introduction to College Entrance Exams


Taking the PSAT

Here’s everything you need to know about the PSAT, which prepares teens for college entrance exams and also makes them eligible for scholarships.

Investigating Four-Year Colleges and Universities

There are over 2,000 accredited four-year colleges and universities in the United States! How do you and your teen sort through them all? We’ll show you how!

Where Do I Start? Accommodations for Tests Like the SAT, ACT, CLT, PSAT, and AP

Does your homeschooled teen have documented learning difficulties—and struggle with formal testing? Are you concerned tests like AP, PSAT, SAT, ACT, and CLT won’t reflect your child’s true abilities? Here’s how to apply for accommodations.

Steps to Submit a College Application

Applying to college as a homeschooled student can get easier each year. Understanding the college admissions process from the homeschool perspective prepares you to approach this season with confidence!

Investigación de universidades de cuatro años

¿Sabía que en Estados Unidos hay más de 2,000 universidades acreditadas que ofrecen programas de cuatro años? ¿Cómo es que un adolescente puede decidir entre tantas opciones? ¡Nosotros le demostramos cómo!