
36 results for   Category: Moms


Introducing Chelsea Moore to the Blog!


6 Essential Friends for Every Homeschool Mom


Kids Today, Teens Tomorrow

It won’t be long before you experience the joys from investing in your children when they were young. 

Multi-level Homeschooling: Strategies for Teaching Subjects at Different Levels

Rachelle shares some ways she homeschools multiple ages and adapts curriculum to each of their levels.

Discovering Your Hidden Gifts

I'm no longer so worried about being “cool” enough to influence the lives of teens. It is rewarding to use this gift that I never realized I had before I began to use it.

Somebody’s Gotta Do It

Some jobs (did someone say dishes?) may not be glamorous, but if they weren’t done, we’d be in a lot of trouble! 

Estrategias para impartir materias de múltiples grados en casa

Rachelle comparte algunas maneras de educar en casa a alumnos de distintos grados y adaptar el currículo conforme a cada nivel.

When the Toddler Runs Your School Day

As a homeschool mom with five kids, I try to keep in mind that the toddler years are short and that being “productive” looks different in different seasons of life.

Las confesiones de una madre que enseña en el hogar

Tome nota: No a todas las madres que educan en el hogar les gustan las mismas cosas ni educan de la misma manera.  ¡Y está bien así!

Confessions of a Homeschool Mom

Hint: Not all homeschool moms enjoy or the same thing or homeschool the same way. And that’s ok! 