
300 results for   Category: International

Yes, homeschooling families who live outside the United States and those who are citizens of other nations are invited to join HSLDA.

HSLDA’s Global Outreach team is willing to provide counsel for international members who encounter difficulties. While various factors (such as citizenship, military status, and local laws) impact the methods by which HSLDA can assist you, our staff will always be committed to advocating for homeschooling freedom.

You’ll also receive discounts on products and services through our Member Savings program, special pricing on HSLDA Store products, and a subscription to our quarterly magazine, the Home School Court Report.

Note: If you are a resident of Canada, please check out HSLDA Canada.


Seminar, New Group Helps Grow Homeschooling in Uganda

Efforts to encourage and inform the homeschooling movement in Uganda are bearing fruit.

Join or Die! UK Court Case is A Warning to the Global Homeschooling Community

A ruling by the United Kingdom’s highest court could lead to additional regulation of homeschooling.

Families Form First Homeschool Association in Namibia

Homeschool growth in this southern African nation inspired these families to launch a national organization aimed at supporting home education.

Help Defend Freedom for Portuguese Homeschoolers

The national government is considering extensive restrictions without allowing any input from current homeschoolers. These families are asking us for help.

Portsmouth Home Educators' Legal Action is Important for All Families

It's time for all parents to realise that they have been lulled into allowing their parental responsibilities to be usurped by the state, and that they should demand that what rightly belongs to them is returned without delay!

How to Develop a National or Regional Homeschool Organization

HSLDA and its partners offer helpful advice on how to develop a homeschool organization in your region.

Canute Waswa


HSLDA Global Services

Homeschooling families who do not reside within the United States and those who are citizens of other nations are eligible and invited to apply for membership with HSLDA. 

Dominican Republic

Legal status and resources on homeschooling in the Dominican Republic 

The Slow Birth of a New Law in South Africa

Concerned parents and other activists are taking advantage of the lengthy legislation process to lobby against a bill that would restrict homeschool freedom.