Compulsory Education Age
6 to 14 years old
Number of Homeschoolers
Legal Status
Education is governed by the Constitution (2010) which states, “The family is responsible for the education of its members and has the right to choose the type of education of their minor children” (Art. 63.2), and the General Education Law 66/97 (Ley General de Educación) which states a similar provision (Art. 12).
The above text (with minor editing) was sourced from OLASE - Observatorio Latinoamericano de Aprendizajes sin Escuelas.
The term "homeschooling" is a red flag for authorities in the Dominican Republic. Expatriates can use an umbrella program and call it distance learning and not have any trouble.
Contact Information
GP Homeschooling
Instagram: @gp.homeschooling
Whatsapp: Estala Mila
Homeschoolers in Missions
Contact: Dr. Gene Antonio
Website: www.homeschoolersinmissions.org
Email: drganthony@msn.com