
83 results for   Category: Grade


How to Use Rubrics to Assess Your Child

Rubrics are one of three common ways you can assess your elementary or middle school child’s progress. Learn more about them and how they can be used with these helpful resources!

How to Plan a High School Elective Course

Break out of the educational box with electives! These courses are the perfect opportunity for your teen to explore interests, build career skills, and simply enjoy learning. And you can develop them yourself!

Elective Courses and Extracurricular Activities: Why My Teen Needs Both

What’s the difference between a high school elective course and an extracurricular? Learn how to tell them apart, understand the lasting benefits for your student, and become equipped to incorporate both into your teen’s homeschool journey!

4 Reasons to Grade before High School

These 4 key factors will help you decide whether or not to grade your elementary or middle school student’s work.

3 Ways to Evaluate My Student’s Work

Did you know you have options? Here’s a quick rundown. 

Electives: The Zing in Your High School Plan


4 razones para calificar antes de la secundaria

Estos 4 factores clave le ayudarán a decidir si debe o no calificar los trabajos de sus alumnos de primaria o de escuela media.

3 formas de evaluar el trabajo de mis estudiantes

¿Conoce las distintas opciones? Aquí tiene un breve resumen.

Cosas básicas de las calificaciones de letras antes de secundaria

¿Cómo utilizar porcentajes, escalas de evaluación y respuestas con ponderación para calcular calificaciones de letras con confianza?

Cómo planificar una materia electiva de secundaria

Siga estos 4 pasos para crear clases electivas personalizadas que entusiasmen a su hijo