
36 results for   Category: California


California Statement in Lieu—Private School Affidavit Alternative

If filing the California Private School Affidavit online is not an option, you can file a statement in lieu of the affidavit for your homeschool, which may be filed by mail. Read the required information for your statement here.

CPS Pays $700,000 to Homeschool Mom

Vanessa and her children had been homeschooling for seven years, when a CPS investigator took her children. HSLDA got them reunited—then we filed a lawsuit.

J. Michael Smith

Mike is an attorney and homeschool movement leader with over 30 years of passionate advocacy for homeschooling families.

California Immunization Laws, Record Keeping, and Reporting Requirements

In 2016, Senate Bill 277 changed California laws and regulations dealing with immunizations. This is a summary of the current immunization laws that impact the record keeping and reporting requirements for home-based private schools.

Declaración Sustitutoria para el Afidávit de Escuela Privada en California

Si llenar la Declaración Jurada de la Escuela Privada en línea no es una opción, puede presentar una declaración sustitutoria en lugar de la declaración jurada

State Health Department Revokes Homeschool Grad Licenses

Officials claimed these homeschool graduates’ diplomas weren’t valid. HSLDA strongly disagrees.

California Withdrawal Forms

If you'd like to withdraw your child to homeschool, either under the private school or private tutor options, you can use the respective form below.

Formularios de retiro de California

Si desea retirar a su hijo para educarlo en el hogar, ya sea bajo las opciones de escuela privada o tutor privado, puede usar el formulario correspondiente a continuación.

Public School Access for Homeschoolers in California

Here’s what California law says about homeschool students’ access to public school classes or services.

How to Withdraw Your Child from School in California

How to withdraw your child from their current school and start homeschooling them.