
9 results for   Category: Attendance Records


Types of Homeschool Records

Which records are important? It’s more than books and grades . . . What about work samples, extracurricular activities, and days and hours of instruction?

Missouri Hours of Instruction Log

This spreadsheet allows you to track your child’s hours of instruction as required by Missouri law.

Louisiana Forms for Homeschooling as a Private School

There are two options for homeschooling in the state of Louisiana. If you've chosen to homeschool as a home-based private school, you may use these forms as instructed below.

Formularios para la educación en el hogar como escuela privada de Louisiana

Hay dos opciones para la educación en el hogar en el estado de Louisiana. Si ha elegido la educación en el hogar como una escuela privada en el hogar, puede usar estos formularios como se indica a continuación.

Aviso de asistencia a las escuelas privadas de Kentucky

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.

Kansas Certificate of Exemption

Use this form as instructed below if you would like to exempt your 16-year-old from school attendance.

Certificado de exención de Kansas

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación si desea eximir a su hijo de 16 años de la asistencia a la escuela.

Ohio 08 School Report of Attendance Form

If you choose to homeschool as a non-chartered, non-tax supported ("08") school in Ohio, you can use this form to fulfill attendance record keeping requirements.

Kentucky Private School Notice of Attendance

You can fill out this Kentucky Private School Notice of Attendance form and mail it to the superintendent of your school district.