
Stories of a Homeschool Pioneer, Part 1 | Ep. 68

Jan 3 • Zan Tyler • 1 hr 16 min

What was it like to homeschool before this educational choice was accepted as legal? Today on Homeschool Talks, join HSLDA Vice President Jim Mason for Part 1 of a conversation with author, speaker, and homeschooling pioneer Zan Tyler. In this episode, Zan tells the story of her completely unexpected, but integral role in the early movement for homeschool freedom in South Carolina—and the many challenges she faced along the way.

The first year was really hard emotionally on me, but my kids were flourishing. And here’s the crazy thing. I had been a stay-at-home mom. I had planned to go on. I planned to go to law school after college, like my dad, so we could work together. And there were two things I said I’d never do. One was teach and the other was have kids. And so I spent my adult life teaching my kids at home, at least 21 years of it, which I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world.  It is the most fulfilling life I can ever imagine. — Zan Tyler

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