If you are homeschooling a child with special needs, you need to follow your state’s homeschool regulations. There are no additional requirements for homeschooling children with special needs.

While a parent could request that his or her homeschool student be evaluated to see if he or she could be eligible as a child with a disability, homeschool students are not entitled to obtain special education services. Please see this memo from the New Mexico Public Education Department.

The statutory definition of a “private school” specifically excludes homeschools and homeschool satellite programs. Section 22-1-2(L) NMSA 1978.

Homeschool students with disabilities who enroll in one or more public school courses may be eligible for Section 504 accommodations. Please see this memo from the New Mexico Public Education Department

Note: As you decide what kind of special needs services and therapy best meet your child’s needs, we want you to know that HSLDA Compassion Curriculum Grants are available to help with diagnostic services, therapy, curriculum, or other educational materials.