What Happened to the Sandberg family?

Marita and Tomas Sandberg were homeschooling their three children with permission for the 2010-2011 school year, the two younger children were not yet of school age. Their oldest son was enrolled in school. The family was met with support for the quality of homeschooling the children were receiving.  they were even presented on national television. Unfortunately, when the new education law was put in place in 2011, affectively banning home education, they were unable to gain permission for the next school year. They were encouraged to appeal this decision but were unsuccessful.

How many children do the Sandberg’s have?

The Sandbergs have six children.

Where are they now?

Since the change of the law, the Sandbergs have applied to homeschool every year and have been rejected by the municipality and have appealed the decision – each time being unsuccessful. They have been met with a series of fines and court dates, but continue their resolve to home educate their children.

Case timeline:

October 26, 2011 —  The Sandbergs are reported to social services by principles of the school municipality.

October 31, 2011 – The Sandbergs receive their first fine

November 7, 2011 – The House of Commons grants the family probation

August 2013 – The Sandbergs appeal case in Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden and are denied 

For further information and interviews:

Trudi Miller
HSLDA Global Outreach Coordinator
540-338-8256 international@hslda.org