Teens ages 13–19 will enjoy a special program hosted by Generation Joshua. In iNegotiate, a simulated meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, students take on the roles of ambassadors for international players. They are tasked with crafting agreements for a variety of issues while balancing their nation's priorities and protecting their national sovereignty. Students learn what it means to be a diplomat in both international politics and their personal lives, while experiencing the complexity of nation-state negotiations. 

Floor Plan

Wednesday | Sept. 18, 2024


5:30–10:00 PM
Opening Festivities (with Family)


Thursday | Sept. 19, 2024


8:30–9:30 AM
Worship and Devotions (with Family)
Daniel Heffington
Phil Tuttle
Hermitage Ballroom

9:30–9:45 AM
Dismissed to Teen Program
Hermitage F

9:45 AM–12:30 PM
Teen Program
Hermitage F

12:30–1:25 PM
Lunch (with Family)
Hermitage Ballroom

1:25–4:30 PM
Teen Program
Hermitage F

4:30–6:30 PM
Dinner (with Family)

7:00–8:30 PM
Teen Party

Hermitage F

Friday | Sept. 20, 2024


8:30–9:30 AM
Worship and Devotions (with Family)
Daniel Heffington
Phil Tuttle
Hermitage Ballroom

9:30–9:45 AM
Dismissed to Teen Program
Hermitage F

9:45 AM–12:30 PM
Teen Program
Hermitage F

12:30–9:00 PM
Free Time (with Family)

Hermitage F

Saturday | Sept. 21, 2024


8:30–9:30 AM
Worship and Devotions (with Family)
Daniel Heffington
Phil Tuttle
Hermitage Ballroom

9:30–9:45 AM
Dismissed to Teen Program
Hermitage F

9:45 AM–12:30 PM
Teen Program
Hermitage F

12:30–2:30 PM
Ladies’ Luncheon (with Parent)
Maria Hamilton
Hermitage Ballroom

Men’s Huddle (with Parent)
Abraham Hamilton
Belle Meade

2:45–4:00 PM
Teen Program
Hermitage F

4:00–6:00 PM
Free Time (with Family)

6:00–8:00 PM
Closing Banquet (with Family)
Jim Mason
Hermitage Ballroom

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