Moldova Flag

Compulsory Education Age


Number of Homeschoolers


Legal Status

The pertinent law in Moldova is the Codex of Education. According to Moldovan law, homeschooling is considered “training in the family” or “instruction at home.” Parents are free to choose the form of education that their children receive, as well as the place and language of instruction.

The Constitution quite vaguely says in its article 35, point (9): “Parents have the prior right to choose the [field or domain] of the education for their children”. As per current Codex of Education (Nr. 152, 17.07.2014), the education is compulsory, from 6 (article 27, point (4)) to 17 years of age (article 13, point (2)).

Contact Information

Homeschooling Moldova Association

Contact: Vlad Gurdiga
Phone number: +37379172760