What Happened to Domenic Johansson?

Christer and Annie Johansson were boarding a plane to India, where Annie’s family lives, when Dominic was forcibly removed and taken into custody. Christer and Annie have not been reunited with Dominic sense.

How many children do the Johansson’s have?

They Johansson’s have one child. Dominic was 7 years old at time of his kidnapping. We estimate that he is around 16 or 17 years old nearing adulthood.  

Case timeline:

November 2008 —  The Johansson’s received their first fine for homeschooling in Sweden

May 2009 – A court hearing about the fines was held. Christer informed the judge that they would be leaving the country. The case was closed.

June 2009 – Domenic was kidnapped by Swedish authorities while boarding a plane bound for India.

December 2009  —  Court upholds kidnapping of Domenic, withdrawing all parent visits.

June 2010  —  Local Swedish court denies due process to Johansson’s by removing the attorney of their choosing from the case.

September 21, 2010  —  Swedish Administrative Court rules against Johansson after multiples appeals, the decision of Swedish social service officials was upheld.

April 2011  —  European Court of Human Rights assigns Johansson case number.

October 2011 – Swedish officials seek to terminate Annie and Christer’s parental rights.

December 2011 --- Gotland district court rules against social workers and the Municipality of Gotland in their quest to terminate Annie and Christer’s parent rights for Domenic.

November 2012 – Swedish officials again seek to terminate custody

December 10, 2012 -  Swedish appeals court reserves lower court ruling in favor of Annie and Christer Johansson and terminates parental rights in regard so their son Domenic.

April 2013 – Swedish Supreme Court rejects appeal by Christer and Annie Johansson, effectively terminating their parental rights.    

Further Information and Interviews Contact:

Trudi Miller
HSLDA Global Outreach Coordinator
540-338-8256   international@hslda.org