Whether you’re new to homeschooling or an experienced educator, Inquisitive provides a comprehensive and engaging science curriculum tailored to meet your needs and, more importantly, the needs of every child.
Complete Phenomena-Based Science Curriculum
Inquisitive’s science lessons are designed around real-world phenomena, making science relevant and exciting for students. An Inquisitive subscription provides everything you need to teach K–5 science.
Inquisitive lessons and assessments are designed to support learners with different learning needs. They are multimodal and have a rich variety of activities, allowing children of all ages to work independently for periods of time using various stimulus and research resources. Inquisitive lessons are engaging, inspiring your child to be curious and wonder about the world.
Hands-On and Virtual Investigations
Virtual simulations and hands-on investigations are fun and engaging for students. Their hands-on investigations use easy-to-source materials that can be found at home.
Each lesson includes captivating multimedia content to stimulate curiosity and enhance learning. Lessons incorporate e-books, videos, and songs, and interactives unlock learning through sounds, sights, touch, and even smell!
Ready to Teach in 5 Minutes
Detailed teaching notes accompanies each lesson, providing suggestions on how to approach the content. Background science supports you and give you confidence in how to teach. With our easy-to-follow lesson layout, you’ll be ready to teach any lesson in just 5 minutes. See here for information about Inquisitive for homeschoolers, and download our complimentary lesson catalog.