The freedom to homeschool is a gift that many American parents and their kids enjoy today. Every family has their own way of expressing this freedom and their reasons for exercising it. Below are the stories of three families who have chosen to homeschool.

Watch these inspiring videos to see why the freedom to homeschool is so important to each one.

Teen Urges Parents to Homeschool Her

Many families homeschool because one or both parents believe it is the best option for their children. But in this video, you’ll meet Bryanna, a teenager who convinced and empowered her mother, a native Spanish speaker, to embrace the freedom of opportunity to homeschool.

The Last Thing They Wanted Was to Stop Homeschooling

The GrosJacques were an ordinary homeschooling family until the day their fourth child was born. Then everything changed. Here’s how the freedom of flexibility that homeschooling brings enabled this family to thrive through a dark season.

They Grew Up Under Communism—Now They Homeschool Their Kids in Freedom

To understand why Yelena and Daniel homeschool their children, you need to know that this couple grew up in Russia under communism. When this couple decided to teach their own kids, they were exercising an incredible political freedom unknown to them before. Don’t miss their amazing story.