Who Is This Webinar For?

  • “Are there some measures I can take right away to keep my kids safe online?”
  • “What are red flags I should be watching for with my kids?”
  • “My kids saw something inappropriate online. Now what do we do?”

Do any of these questions resonate with you? If so, join anti-bullying expert and homeschool mom Candice Duggar along with Andrea Davis of Better Screen Time—as they come alongside Sandra Kim, a public school-turned-new-homeschool-mom-to-three, to answer homeschooling parents’ top questions about keeping their kids safe online! 

Learn how to confidently and positively come alongside your kids of all ages, equipping them to be safe online and starting open and honest conversations about healthy digital mindsets, habits, and tools. This free recorded webinar is your opportunity to join this encouraging and informative conversation!

Some Topics We’ll Discuss

  • Homeschoolers are safe, right? We don’t need to worry about predators or bullying, do we?
  • How can I stay aware of my kids’ online activities without making them feel smothered?
  • What ages do bullies or predators target? Is my 8-year-old safe?
  • How do I make video games secure so I’m sure my kids are playing with known friends? 
  • Are there safeguards already in place with online classes? If not, what can I do?
  • My child is being bullied online—and is miserable. What can I do now?

See the Video, Transcript Highlights, and Resources