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Compulsory Education Age

6–14 years old

Legal Status

Homeschooling is legal under certain conditions as explained in the Acuerdo Ministerial 0067-13, including when a family lives far from an educational institution and/or because of illness.

The Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (2008) states that parents are “free to choose for their children an education in accordance with their principles, beliefs and pedagogical choices” (Art. 29) and the education law (Ley Orgánica de Educación Intercultural, Registro Oficial Nº 417, March 31, 2011) confirms that parents are guaranteed the constitutional right to “choose, in compliance with the best interests of the child, the type of educational institution they deem appropriate for their children, according to their beliefs, principles and their culture and language” (Art 12). Unfortunately, those who have tried to homeschool without meeting the conditions laid out in the Acuerdo Ministerial have been brought to the District Board of Protection of Children and Adolescents and forced to send their children back to school.

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