Why You Want Darren for Your Event

  • As senior counsel for HSLDA, Darren works closely with homeschool support groups across the country.
  • Darren received his juris doctorate from Oak Brook College of Law and is licensed as an attorney in California.
  • In 2016, Darren wrote an overview of homeschooling’s current successes for The Journal of School Choice.
  • Darren and his wife homeschool their four children.

Travels From

Washington, D.C.


Darren requests that his travel and lodging expenses be covered by the host. His fee for local support groups and graduations is negotiable.


Hostility Toward Homeschool Freedom

The battle to protect your right to homeschool is entering a new phase. A new model bill that is hostile to homeschooling freedom urges legislators to impose archaic restrictions on home education in every state. The bill’s authors and advocates claim that homeschooling is used to hide child abuse, despite a growing body of research that says homeschooling and abuse are not correlated. In this presentation, we will analyze both this model bill and the worldview on which it is based, and tell you exactly what you need to know about the Make Homeschool Safe Act. We are eager to inform and equip your family now so you can respond quickly and knowledgably to these emerging threats.

One Homeschool Grad’s 8(+1) Reasons to Homeschool

Darren attended several different public schools and a private Christian school before being homeschooled. With his diverse educational experience, he and his wife have chosen to teach their own children at home—but maybe not for the reasons you’d expect! Come hear Darren’s 8 (+1) reasons for homeschooling, and be inspired to find your own reasons.

Practical Tips for Your Family’s Devotions

One of our most important duties as parents is to help our children encounter God, in part through devotional times. Come prepared to discuss specific, practical advice in how devotions can serve as an opportunity for the whole family to experience the love and grace of God.

Literature that Proclaims Christ: Stories to Show How Christians Look at Life, the Universe, and Everything

Two thousand years of Christian literature have been passed down to help us imitate Christ in our daily lives. Join us as we consider just a fraction of these works. Depending on the workshop, authors discussed may include three different Johns (Bunyan, Donne, and Calvin), Athanasius, C.S. Lewis, Marilynne Robinson, J.K. Rowling, and more.

The Secret to Homeschool Freedom

The best way to safeguard the future is to learn from the past. Homeschooling’s history of close calls and exciting victories sheds light on upcoming challenges to homeschool freedom. Come hear the secret to keeping homeschool freedom free.

Your Homeschool Group: Answering the Hard Questions

Guard your support group against legal surprises! In this workshop, Darren helps you understand issues that affect your group, including civil rights law, child abuse prevention, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Don’t miss this important discussion of policies your support group should adopt when addressing membership issues and child protection!

Going the Second Mile: Support Groups and Homeschool Families in Crisis

Homeschool support groups often have the opportunity to assist families who are experiencing difficulty. Divorce, abandonment, unexpected special education needs or mental illness, or just falling behind with too much on their plate—all of these present unique challenges to homeschooling families. Darren discusses ways the homeschool community can rally to help “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

“I’d Love to Help, but How?” Dads and Homeschooling

In many homeschooling families, Mom is the day-to-day teacher with input and support from Dad, but it doesn’t have to be that way—and it often isn’t. What happens when Dad is more involved or even the primary educator (and not just for the seriously cool science experiments)? Navigating play dates, setting schedules, maintaining the routine—all bring their own special challenges. In this workshop, Darren gives advice and encouragement for dads who homeschool.

Rediscovering Our Great Christian Heritage

Many homeschooled students have detailed knowledge of the history of the United States, its Founding Fathers, and the Constitution’s principles. But do they know the history of the Church and Christianity? Rediscover 2,000 years of heritage and practice of the faith.