Compulsory Education Age
8 years required (between ages 6–15).
Legal Status
Homeschooling is not currently allowed for nationals, except in the instance of students with severe illness or disability. Education officials interpret the current education law to mean that school attendance is required. However, the Croatian constitution states that parents shall have “the duty to raise, support and school their children” (Article 63) and the education law stipulates only that primary education is compulsory. (Zakona o odgoju i obrazovanju no. 71-05-03/1-08-2, Article 4.2.)
Contact Information
Udruga Homeschooling Hrvatska (Homeschooling Croatia Association)
Address: Ulica Johe 3, 10040 Zagreb
Website: homeschooling.hr
E-mail: homeschoolinghrvatska@gmail.com
Instagram: @homeschooling_hrvatska
Homeschooling Hrvatska