As homeschoolers, we do much of our work by ourselves. But there are many opportunities to attend co-operatives, homeschooling conferences, workshops, and other related events. But do we really need to join any of them? As a father who homeschools, here’s what I learned from a recent event.

Making new friends

We recently attended a Classical Conversations outreach in our city. During this day-long event, we got to do some hands-on exercises and meet other parents and students who are in the program.

Kids playing in a hallway with paper airplanes.

Kids at the event playing with paper airplanes

During the information session, the kids were in another area with fun things for them to do. Everyone got a chance to mingle and ask questions about the benefits and challenges we all faced as homeschooling parents. It was so encouraging to see others on the same path and with older kids who have made it!

The most inspiring part was seeing homeschool graduates who are now attending university. Seeing them succeed and hearing their testimony is very useful as a new homeschooling parent.    

Meeting new groups to join

You find out quickly that joining a group or being a part of an organization will make things go more smoothly. Whether it’s navigating the local application process or where to find the best resources, being in a group is super helpful. After the event, you may find another helpful choice for your family nearby.

At the event we met some other families that wanted to join our weekly science cooperative. One father has two kids who are near my son’s age. He also started a homeschool group in a neighboring city and shares a love of hiking in the hills and mountains nearby. It’s always a bonus when I find another father who is leading the homeschooling in his family!

Getting validation!

After a few workshops in the Classical Conversations event, we noticed they used many of the same textbooks we are using. This was not only comforting to know but makes it easier to join if we decide to. The event was also helpful and provided us with some new tools and perspectives on how we are doing homeschooling.

As a dad that homeschools, I don’t have a vast network of other dads I can call on for any advice. When doubt creeps up occasionally, it’s hard not to have concerns that we are on the right track. So it’s refreshing to see others, and this helps to validate my efforts.

Finding new materials

I’m always reviewing our curriculum as we progress through our year. We feel that we have the freedom and flexibility to change and try different resources for a semester at a time. Doing this provides some variety and keeps things from getting too boring. At the local homeschool event, we picked up an exciting new book resource list as well as discount codes for some great textbooks we got to see.

You may also be able to connect at an event with other families to share or exchange curriculum or unused materials. We have many books that we don't want to throw away and we have no idea what to do with them. So now we have more people that we may be able to share or sell some items from our collection.

New direction and inspiration

Who doesn’t want inspiration or new ideas? I personally found a great new idea at the homeschool event! Speechcraft is a key part of the Classic Conversations program, and I had almost forgotten about this important skill. As a Toastmaster myself since 2013, learning how to make and give speeches in front of an audience has been a rewarding experience. So I decided to sign up my son for a speech contest in the late summer. We will spend the summer working and practicing the speech. I never would have gotten the idea if we didn't attend the homeschool event!

I’m one happy dad since there were so many positive results after attending the workshop. Now there is another online meetup, and I’m sure to join that as well for more inspiration, information, and sharing. We look forward to learning and growing with each new event!
