As leaders of homeschool organizations, we’ve all known about bullying for a long time. For decades, it’s been one of the factors that pushes some parents to homeschool.

But did you know that bullying can be so severe it leads some children to take their own lives? And even after a student is removed from an unsafe school environment to be homeschooled, the emotional damage of bullying can be pervasive and long lasting.

Additionally, bullying, cyberbullying, and even sex trafficking can all find their way into the safety of homeschooling. The children in our groups can experience bullying from fellow students, siblings, and adults. They can also be groomed for sex trafficking—and if we don’t know the signs, we’ll miss them.

Learn what you need to know to bully-proof your group in a special series of workshops we’re offering on Thursday, September 23, at 2:45 and 4:30 p.m. Antibullying experts Candice Dugger and Kim Glanowski help you understand bullying and its effects, alert you to the warning signs of bullying and predators, and explain the steps to helping kids heal.


Candice Dugger
Bullied Broken Redeemed, Founder

Nationally recognized antibullying expert Candice Dugger specializes in equipping leaders, parents, and youth in all aspects of Gen Z bullying. Under her leadership, the team at Bullied Broken Redeemed has built life-changing programs that use interactive activities and projects to empower effective antibullying warriors. Bullied Broken Redeemed is on a mission to impact one million families in 2021. After successfully bringing her two neurodiverse sons home from public school while helping them heal from trauma, Candice is passionate about helping other families make the transition to homeschooling.

Kim Glanowski
My Story Is Beautiful, Founder

Kim Glanowski is an author, speaker, and the founder of My Story Is Beautiful. Her passion is to help students who have experienced trauma heal through writing their stories. Kim and her team gently guide students to embrace healing by transforming their stories into tools to help others. Newly empowered, her students become leaders, speakers, and published authors. Kim’s work with Bullied Broken Redeemed is cited as the genesis of healing for students around the world.