Compulsory Education Age
Basic and secondary education is compulsory, beginning at age 4.
Estimated Number of Homeschool Families
Legal Status
Homeschoolers currently take the position that homeschooling is not specifically addressed in the law. The umbrella group, the East Africa Christian Home-educators (EACH) is engaged in preliminary discussions on the legislation of homeschooling. In addition, the Alternative Education Policy recognizes non-formal education. Homeschoolers in Kenya ask, “Please pray that our government recognizes and endorses homeschooling in Kenya—that parents can freely exercise their right to educate their children.“
Contact Information
Elimu Nyumbani
Website: www.elimunyumbani.org
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elimunyumbani/?hl=en
Contact: Mary Muriuki, Director
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: 254-2-0721925530
East Africa Christian Home-educators (EACH)
Contact: Liz Gitonga
Phone: +254 717 900069
Email: info@eachomeschoolers.net
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EACHomeschoolers-278276242363215
Additional Resources
200,000 Kenyan Children Have Been Sentenced to Ignorance (Daily Nation)
This Kenyan news source suggests that recognizing homeschooling is a solution to 200,000 children not receiving an education in Kenya.
Keep It in the Family: A Case for Homeschooling in Kenya (The Elephant)
Many parents who choose homeschooling seek to be directly and consistently involved in molding their children's character throughout their formal education.