Do you love the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling—and wish you had a way to help even more families understand how it works and realize it might be a real option for them?

We share this passion, and we’ve created some tools you can use! First, you can share this inspiring “Make the World Your Classroom” video and web page to introduce parents to the freedom, wonder, and delight that homeschooling has to offer, along with some helpful FAQs and seven quick steps to get started:

Of course, some parents just aren’t on social media. That means there has to be a way to meet them wherever they are in real life and connect them with this quick tour of homeschooling.

So—second, you can download any or all of the free printable flyers below. (The truth is—we loved all the designs so much that we couldn’t choose just one. We’re posting them here and you can pick your favorite(s)!)

Ready to get started? Click on any images you'd like to download.















If you're looking for inspiration, here are just a few ideas for using the flyers:

  • place them on vehicle windshields in a parking lot
  • if you know any business owners might be homeschool friendly, you can ask if it would be OK to leave a few flyers in their waiting area or near the checkout desk—from dentists to veterinarians, beauticians, auto repair shops, or local restaurants
  • pin up a small stack on a bulletin board at your gym, public library, grocery store, YMCA, or faith community
  • hand out at meetings, outdoor concerts, sport practices, or other events
  • give out personally on a one-to-one basis to neighbors, friends, acquaintances
  • deliver by drone or scatter hundreds from a hot air balloon (just kidding!)

But really, other than making sure you’re abiding by local laws for distributing material, the sky’s the limit for the ways you can use these flyers!

Thank you for making a difference by telling people about homeschooling. Your efforts might just be the catalyst that causes more parents to pause, consider, and even courageously dive into the brand new possibilities homeschooling offers their whole family.