Military Families

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Military Enlistment for Homeschool Students | Ep. 74

March 21 • Nathan from The Homeschool Project Podcast

Do you have a high schooler interested in joining the military after they graduate? Join HSLDA’s Military Outreach Coordinator Natalie Mack and Nathan from The Homeschool Project Podcast for a discussion about everything you and your high schooler need to know about military enlistment. Nathan is a homeschool dad and military service member with lots of insights on the process and how to support your student!

Because I’m a recruiter, I get to listen to everybody’s story. And it’s probably one of the best parts of the job: listening to young adults, grown men and women, tell me why they’re doing this. And a lot of times it’s a sense of pride. It’s a sense of wanting to serve the country that’s given so much to them. . . . I grew up seeing pictures of my grandfathers on both sides, from when they enlisted in the military. And I always said, I want my picture next to theirs.—Nathan

Show Notes:

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