Stacey Wolking

High School Educational Consultant

Stacey is an Educational Consultant, veteran homeschooler, and a co-coordinator of a local homeschool support group. She also enjoys tutoring students in her favorite subjects (English, reading, and writing) and offering professional home and office organizing services

She has focused much of her research and writing on the needs of little ones and is greatly concerned about the ever-increasing cultural pressure to push young children into formal education too soon. And on the other end of the spectrum, she is passionate about encouraging and preparing our teens to be independent, motivated, and ready to take on the world. It is her greatest joy to equip and encourage parents in this amazing journey—homeschooling!

Her dream of becoming a teacher was fulfilled through homeschooling her two sons and two daughters from K–12. She and her husband, Daryl, graduated their youngest child in 2013 after more than 20 years of homeschooling using a variety of teaching styles and curriculums.

During Stacey’s homeschooling years, she taught in several co-ops, was coordinator of a large multi-age homeschool soccer club, spoke at and participated in many homeschool support groups, and led women’s ministries at church.

All of the Wolking children went on to college, have successful careers, are married, and (bonus!) plan to homeschool.

Stacey is greatly enjoying her growing family, especially her seven grandbabies!, and pursuing her passion for natural health and nutrition.