Emese Tolgyes-Busz

Guest Writer

Emese’s activity as a lawyer has been always related to those groups of people who are the most vulnerable. Her first employer was the Ministry of Social and Family Affairs in Budapest, where she worked in the field of Criminal and Child Protection Law. In her next role as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Parliament, she worked with an international team of lawyers from 13 European countries to research, analyze, and unify terminology of the legal texts used in the Hungarian government at the time of Hungary’s accession to the EU.

She stepped back from the field of law for the next years when she became a homeschool mom of three boys, but as her sons grew older, she slowly turned back to legal issues—this time, those of homeschooling families. Since 2013, in association with multiple organizations, homeschool leaders and independent schools, she has been advising families in legal issues, accompanying and helping homeschooling families in court cases and other legal questions, drawing legal responses to the authorities, and writing reports and summaries about the current legal situation and freedoms of homeschooling in Hungary.

Emese has accomplished complex research on the homeschooling families in Hungary and analysis of their circumstances—social and living environment, educational background, reasons of homeschooling, and the reasons of their decision of home educating their children. She continues to work with the independent schools and organizations such as Clonlara, HomeLife Academy, and West River Academy.

She has also been working with the help of HSLDA to develop relationships with the governmental leaders in the field of education, as well as the official research institutes and NGOs. She currently serves as a member of the Global Home Education Exchange (GHEX) Advisory Board.