
94 results for   florida


Florida Legal Analysis

A detailed analysis of Florida’s homeschool law

Análisis legal de Florida

Un análisis detallado de las leyes de educación en el hogar en Florida

Special Education Provisions for Florida

Special education provisions for homeschooled students in Florida.

Jury Duty Laws in Florida

Here’s what Florida law says about jury duty exemptions for homeschool parents.

Florida Homeschool Laws

Questions about how to homeschool in Florida? Start here for a quick overview: homeschooling laws & requirements, compulsory attendance ages, withdrawal, access to sports & special ed. services, recordkeeping, work permits, jury duty . . .

The Importance of Recordkeeping in Florida

Here are the records you need to keep for your homeschool in Florida.

Florida Withdrawal Forms

You can use one of these forms to follow the withdrawal procedure of the school your child is currently attending, depending on which Florida homeschooling option you choose.

Moving Out of Florida Checklist

Are you moving out of Florida sometime soon? If you're an HSLDA member, you can download this helpful checklist to make sure you're homeschooling legally as you move across state lines.

Florida Educational Evaluation Form

There are several different options for the required yearly assessment. If you chose the educational evaluation by a Florida certified teacher, your certified teacher can use this form to attest to the student’s educational progress.

Florida Notices of Intent and Termination

In the state of Florida, you need to file a notice of intent when you begin your homeschool and a notice of termination when you stop. Use these forms as instructed below.