NEWS Allegany County School District Makes Demands of Homeschoolers But the law restricts what officials can require.
NEWS Maryland: Update About School Districts Demanding Online Registration We’re defending members against several extralegal demands.
RESOURCE Maryland Annual Verification Forms In Maryland, parents must verify they will continue to homeschool their children. Use one of these forms to verify with the proper authority that you will continue to homeschool.
RESOURCE Formulario de verificación anual de Maryland Utilice uno de estos formularios como se indica a continuación para verificar su intención de continuar con la educación en el hogar.
RESOURCE Maryland Exemption Request Form If you live in Maryland and wish to exempt your 5-year-old child from mandatory school attendance for one year, you may choose to submit this form to your local school superintendent.
RESOURCE Formulario de solicitud de exención de Maryland Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.
NEWS Roadblocks Removed: Homeschooled Teen Thrives in JROTC This teen’s parents questioned a public school’s assertion that their daughter had no clear path for joining JROTC as a homeschooler. Guess who was right?