27 results for Category: Nebraska
Nebraska 6-year-old Exemption Affidavit
If you live in Nebraska and your child is 6-years old, you can file this form with your local school district, instead of the Rule 12 or Rule 13 paperwork.
Declaración jurada de Nebraska de exención para niños de seis años
Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.
Homeschool Grads no Longer Assumed Out-of-State Residents in University System
On April 21, Nebraska governor Pete Ricketts signed LB 92, a bill that will change the way homeschool graduates are categorized for purposes of in-state tuition in the Nebraska University system.
Nebraska Sees Biggest Change to Homeschool Law Since 1984
Nebraska’s overhaul of an archaic homeschool law put in place some of the toughest restrictions in the nation. A bill enacted this session changes that.
«Los cielos abiertos»: la educación en casa brinda esperanza
Después de ser acosada y atacada físicamente en la escuela, Susana no quería volver nunca más.
Nebraska Withdrawal Form
You can use this form to follow the withdrawal procedure of the Nebraska school your child is currently attending.
Formulario de Retiro de Nebraska
Puede utilizar este formulario para seguir el procedimiento de Nebraska para retirar a su estudiante de la escuela a la cual asiste actualmente.
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Nebraska
How to withdraw your child from their current school in Nebraska and start homeschooling them.
Compulsory School Age in Nebraska
Here’s when you need to start following Nebraska’s compulsory school law for each of your children.