
48 results for   Category: Tips & How-to's Blog


6 Ways to Make Homeschooling Fun!

Here are a few ways we found that help make homeschooling more enjoyable, educational, and memorable.

Finding Balance While Homeschooling as a Military Family

Maintaining balance is how we continue to build a positive family and positive homeschool experience in the military.

How Do I Deal with Unfinished Textbooks?

As your homeschool year comes to a close, Jessica shares some ways to deal with unfinished textbooks.

To Test or Not to Test

Cynthia shares why standardized tests used wisely and thoughtfully can help parents make informed educational decisions.

Ideas for Making Writing Fun

Struggling to get your kids engaged in writing? Here are some educational ideas to help your kids enjoy writing!

Simple Steps to Start Your School Year Well

Here are a few simple tips to help your homeschool year go smoothly.

How to Teach Public Speaking for Homeschool Kids: A Father Coaches

Have you ever wondered how to add public speaking to your homeschool program? Robert shares his ideas for encouraging kids to give successful presentations.

Using Deadlines as Fuel for Your Homeschool

Viewing deadlines as tangible, achievable milestones can turn anxiety into fuel to ignite your passion and motivate you to reach both school goals and other important tasks.

Slowing Down Our Speed Is Essential to Growth

Slowing down in education is not popular. However, slowing down our homeschool pace has always led my children to make large academic leaps.

Including Scripture Memory in Your Homeschool Day

Here are a few tips for memorization that I have found to be effective over the years.