
25 results for   Category: Georgia


Prosecutor Drops Truancy Case after being Challenged to Show Proof

These parents were happy to see their kids make “a lot more” academic progress after switching to homeschooling. Then an official’s paperwork error landed them in court for alleged truancy.

Child Support Cut Off over Homeschooling

A bureaucrat terminated child support payments for homeschooled twin boys, falsely claiming they wouldn’t receive a high school diploma.

Black Families in Atlanta’s Booming Homeschool Movement Connect at Conference

Nicole Doyle, president of a thriving Atlanta-area co-op, saw the growth of homeschooling among other Black families and wanted to strengthen them in their journey. So she helped launch a new conference to inspire and connect homeschoolers.

District’s College Test Ban Illustrates National Problem for Homeschoolers

HSLDA is working to find a long-term solution that allows homeschoolers everywhere access to important college prep tests.

Análisis legal de Georgia

Un análisis detallado de las leyes de educación en el hogar en Georgia.

Georgia Letter of Withdrawal

You can use this form to follow the withdrawal procedure of the Georgia school your child is currently attending.

Carta para retirar a un estudiante de la escuela pública en Georgia

Puede utilizar este formulario para seguir el procedimiento de Georgia para retirar a su estudiante de la escuela a la cual asiste actualmente.

How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Georgia

How to withdraw your child from their current school in Georgia and start homeschooling them.

Compulsory School Age in Georgia

Here’s when you need to start following Georgia’s compulsory school law for each of your children.

Edad de asistencia escolar obligatoria en Georgia

¿Cuándo debe empezar a cumplir con las leyes de asistencia obligatoria en Georgia con cada uno de sus hijos?