
29 results for   Category: South Dakota


The Importance of Recordkeeping in South Dakota

Best practices for what records to keep

La importancia de mantener registros en South Dakota

Estos son los registros que necesita mantener para su escuela en casa en South Dakota.

Formularios de privacidad de South Dakota

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.

South Dakota Privacy Notice

South Dakota residents may submit a copy of this form with their Application for Public School Exemption Certificate to protect the confidentiality of the information you submit.

When Compulsory Attendance Age Got “Hoghoused” From 7 Down to 5

Until the voters of South Dakota insist on restoring the rights of parents, 5-year-olds are subject to the law.

Official Admits Blunder, Won’t Send Correction

Under South Dakota law, families are not required to tell school officials in advance which test they will be choosing.

Notificación del Certificado de Exención de la Escuela Pública de South Dakota

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.

South Dakota Notification for Public School Exemption Certificate

Fill out this form and submit a notarized copy to the superintendent of your South Dakota school district. State law requires this form to be used.

South Dakota Withdrawal Form

You can use this form to follow the withdrawal procedure of the South Dakota school your child is currently attending.

Formulario de retiro de South Dakota

Puede utilizar este formulario para seguir el procedimiento de baja de la escuela a la que asiste su hijo actualmente.