
24 results for   Category: Missouri


Police and Principal Demand That Homeschool Mom Sign Optional Form

Distressed over pandemic restrictions and poor academics, a Missouri mom pulled her son out of public school in 2021. She followed the law, but after a year of homeschooling the principal showed up at her front door, escorted by a police officer …

Missouri Company Renews Job Offer After Graduate Proves Valid Diploma

This homeschool grad had a job offer rescinded after a healthcare company refused to accept her valid diploma. They decided based on a background check service.

Bureaucrat Obstructs Homeschool Grad From Pursuing Teaching Career

This 19-year-old has dreams of opening a Montessori preschool. Her next step in achieving her dream was to become a substitute teacher, but she hit a major roadblock.

Missouri Hours of Instruction Log

This spreadsheet allows you to track your child’s hours of instruction as required by Missouri law.

Missouri Withdrawal Forms

Depending on the age of your child, you can use one of these forms to follow the withdrawal procedure of the Missouri school your child is currently attending.

Formularios para retirar a un estudiante en Missouri

Dependiendo de la edad de su hijo, usted puede utilizar uno de los formularios abajo para seguir el procedimiento de retiro de la escuela de Missouri a la cual su hijo está asistiendo actualmente.

Acceso a la escuela pública para niños que estudian en casa en Missouri

Esto es lo que dice la ley en [STATE] acerca del acceso a clases o servicios de la escuela pública para estudiantes que son educados en casa.

Public School Access for Homeschoolers in Missouri

Here’s what Missouri law says about homeschool students’ access to public school classes or services.

How to Withdraw Your Child from School in Missouri

How to withdraw your child from their current school in Missouri and start homeschooling them.

Edad de asistencia escolar obligatoria en Missouri

¿Cuándo debe empezar a cumplir con las leyes de asistencia obligatoria en Missouri con cada uno de sus hijos?