
16 results for   Category: Group Services


Supporting Families with Special Needs

Resources for State Organizations

Six Ways Your Group Can Make and Save Money with HSLDA

If your homeschool group is like most, it runs on a tight budget. Stretch your resources further with these HSLDA money-saving opportunities!

Digital Tools for Promoting HSLDA Membership

As a leader of a homeschool group, you can promote HSLDA membership with these ready-to-use graphics, emails, social media posts, and text blurbs.

How Churches Can Support Homeschool Groups

We frequently receive questions about how churches can help support homeschool families. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Cómo pueden las iglesias apoyar a los grupos de educación en casa


Archery Rule Changes Course, Hits Bull’s-Eye for Homeschoolers

When a national student archery program made it harder for homeschool groups to form teams, we asked for your help to get the rules changed.

What Every Homeschool Group Needs to Know about Finances

Some homeschool groups using online banking apps have suddenly found themselves owing back taxes. Don’t let this happen to your group.

Running a Homeschool Group? Time to Review Health and Safety Policies

As a group leader, what steps should you take to make sure that your students and parents are kept safe, and that your group is in compliance with the law?

Times Change. Your Group’s Policies Should Keep Up.

Like a car, after a homeschool group has been operating for a while, it may need a tune-up. Here are some important documents to look at.

Stronger Together: How Your Homeschool Can Flourish in a Group

Homeschool groups provide support, access to activities, and can help stretch your education dollars. And if there isn’t one near you, we can help you start something new!