
320 results for   Category: West


HSLDA Helps Overturn Unlawful “Activity Fees”

A member family contacted us when the local public school district started charging fees so their students could participate in extracurricular activities.

Wyoming Form for Submitting Curriculum

If you live in Wyoming, fill out this form and submit it to your local board of trustees each year.

Formulario para presentar material de estudio en Wyoming

Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación. ¿Busca más información acerca de las leyes de su estado?

California Statement in Lieu—Private School Affidavit Alternative

If filing the California Private School Affidavit online is not an option, you can file a statement in lieu of the affidavit for your homeschool, which may be filed by mail. Read the required information for your statement here.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat: HSLDA Helps Grad Overcome Cosmetology School Discrimination

This school was apparently unaware of a 2013 policy that recognizes homeschool diplomas. But they resolved the situation quickly after a homeschool graduate they said need a GED called HSLDA.

Public School Spins Part-Time Academy as “Homeschool Away From Home”

A public school district has created a new campus with full-time teachers and a principal in order to teach homeschoolers part-time. But homeschoolers should know they’ll give up freedoms when they enroll.

Moms Stand Up to Unlawful Demands in Big Sky Country

It all started when this homeschool mom rallied others in her community to resist demands from local school officials—who froze their paperwork and asked for information the law doesn’t require.

Navy Drifts Away from Common Sense on Homeschool Records

Navy recruiters told a homeschool graduate he could not enlist without all his grade school records. We’re working to help the Navy correct its course on this.

CPS Pays $700,000 to Homeschool Mom

Vanessa and her children had been homeschooling for seven years, when a CPS investigator took her children. HSLDA got them reunited—then we filed a lawsuit.

CDPHE Nonmedical Immunization Exemption Form

Colorado law requires all students attending any school in the state to be vaccinated against certain diseases, unless and official exemption form is filed. If you'd like to opt out, use this nonmedical immunization exemption form as instructed.