
11 results for   Category: Kentucky News


COVID-19 and the need for CPS reform

HSLDA has been advocating for CPS reforms for years—families should never have to deal with the stress and anxiety that result from false reports.

Mom Uneasy after Officials Show up to Question Homeschool Program

A member in Kentucky requested help after school officials sought entry to her home and asked pointed questions about her homeschool program. The local superintendent claimed officials were just making sure families have what they need.

Why Did This School Threaten to Report All Homeschoolers to County Attorney?

First one family told us they received a form letter insisting they submit certain homeschool records to authorities—or face legal action. Within hours, we started hearing from more families who received the same letter …

Injustice? Agency Invents Reason to Pull Adoption Subsidy from Homeschool Family

Kentucky law allows students to receive a publicly funded education until age 21. So why did state officials insist that if this homeschooler didn’t graduate by 18, they’d drop the family’s adoption subsidy?

Phony Requirements, False Threats Hit Homeschool Families’ Mailboxes

It seems like a lot of officials across Kentucky are confused about what the law requires—especially in light of the new, COVID-19 educational landscape. In this article we set the record straight.

We’re Here to Help if There’s a Knock on the Door

A surge in families switching to homeschooling—and loving it—could be behind a recent rise in officials checking for truants.

CPS: “Strip-Searching Kids is OK.” Um, No!

HSLDA is responding to a major challenge in our quest to deliver justice for Kentucky homeschool mom Holly Curry in her federal lawsuit.

Judge: Constitution Protects Children from Strip Searches

A federal judge has ruled that Josiah and Holly Curry will get their day in court. Reacting to the investigator’s testimony that “she should ‘automatically’ strip-search any child who was four or under,” the judge made it clear he disagreed.

Homeschool Moves Ahead After Family Trauma

After her husband died, this widow started homeschooling to help her sons cope with their loss. Then she found help through some unexpected circumstances.

Sixth-Circuit Case: Flag on the Play—Instant Replay

In April 2020, a three-judge panel ruled that students in Detroit had a federal constitutional right to a basic minimum public education. Now, the full court is rehearing the case from scratch. 