
11 results for   Category: HSLDA Legal Cases


Enough is Enough

Tanya’s experience is not unique. Our legal team has heard similar stories over the years from other NYC families trying to begin homeschooling.

Judges: Law Protects Kids’ Napping Freedom

A Texas court protected HSLDA members from CPS investigators’ fishing expedition, saying the department’s “responsibility to protect children from abusive parents does not authorize the state to oversee the internal affairs of every family.”

HSLDA Sues New York City

Tanya had done everything right—filing paperwork and following the homeschool law of New York City. Imagine her shock when a Child Protective Services investigator came to her apartment because of a report of “educational neglect.”

HSLDA to VA Supreme Court: Uphold Our Liberty

A Virginia school district admits to state supreme court justices that it planned to prosecute a homeschool family over a made-up policy.

Judge: Teen’s Homeschool Too Legit for Dad to Quit Child Support

The father of an 18-year-old who is still homeschooling dragged everyone back into court to object to a ruling that he pay child support.

A Look back at the Great California Homeschool Case of 2008

Professor Bartholet seems to feel that our effective advocacy has been underhanded in some way, referring to the "notorious Jonathan L. case in California." What exactly happened during that fateful case in 2008?

Sosebee Decision Confirms It’s a “Notice” not a “Request”

A notice of intent to provide home instruction is effective the very minute it is transmitted to the superintendent, assuming it contains everything the law requires.

CPS: “Strip-Searching Kids is OK.” Um, No!

HSLDA is responding to a major challenge in our quest to deliver justice for Kentucky homeschool mom Holly Curry in her federal lawsuit.

Judge: Constitution Protects Children from Strip Searches

A federal judge has ruled that Josiah and Holly Curry will get their day in court. Reacting to the investigator’s testimony that “she should ‘automatically’ strip-search any child who was four or under,” the judge made it clear he disagreed.

HSLDA to Sixth Circuit: Reject Harvard Professor’s Legal Project

The court’s ruling in Gary B. v. Whitmer has the potential to bring the legal theories of Bartholet to life, endangering homeschooling freedom. We’ve submitted an amicus brief as we work to reverse this dangerous precedent.