
13 results for   Category: United Kingdom


Join or Die! UK Court Case is A Warning to the Global Homeschooling Community

A ruling by the United Kingdom’s highest court could lead to additional regulation of homeschooling.

Portsmouth Home Educators' Legal Action is Important for All Families

It's time for all parents to realise that they have been lulled into allowing their parental responsibilities to be usurped by the state, and that they should demand that what rightly belongs to them is returned without delay!

Record Growth and Legal Setbacks: British Homeschooling Meets New Opposition

More students than ever are homeschooling in England—something advocates are celebrating. But a court ruling that grants local officials more power to restrict home education has prompted advocates to seek a new legislative approach.

Political Turmoil Sends Homeschool Registry Bill to Scrap Heap. It Isn’t Over.

A controversial education bill calling for all British homeschool students to register with local officials has died in parliament. Will lawmakers try to revive the measure?

At 15, She’s Qualified for Cambridge, Started a Nonprofit, and Translated a Book

Switching to homeschooling allowed Nika to qualify academically for college years ahead of her peers. She’s also translated a book into multiple languages and founded an environmental organization that seeks to protect nature and wildlife.

France and UK Spotlight Struggle for Homeschool Freedom

As more families switch to homeschooling in the wake of COVID-19, more countries are looking at ways to regulate the educational option.

British Homeschoolers Under Criminal Law Threat

Officials in the Isle of Man not only want to make it harder to homeschool, they are seeking to criminalize parents who resist sending their children to traditional school

Will Britain Treat Homeschoolers like Outlaws?


Homeschoolers Enjoy Freedom in the United Kingdom—But for How Long?

In terms of home education, the United Kingdom has been described as one of the most permissive in the world. That could change

Protect Parental Rights in the United Kingdom

The family unit, parental rights, and the protection of children are under threat as never before, and it is up to each person to preserve the freedoms the UK currently has through prayer, support, and awareness