Why You Want Scott for Your Event

  • In his role as a contact attorney for HSLDA, Scott has helped thousands of homeschooling families deal with social workers, truant officers, superintendents, and other government officials.
  • He is a frequent media spokesperson on homeschool issues and has appeared on radio programs across the country.
  • Scott and his wife have homeschooled each of their four children, three of whom have graduated.

Travels From

Washington, D.C.


Scott requires $75 per speaking engagement. In addition, he requests that the host cover his travel and hotel expenses. However, his fee for graduations and local support groups is negotiable.


“Don’t Judge Me!” A Lesson from the Front Line of Parenting

When your child gives you that look and says, “Don’t judge me!” you are at a crossroads, a moment of truth, a moment of great peril and great opportunity. This session will give you the tools you need to turn what could be an ugly situation into a transformative moment of healing and redemption. If your head sometimes swims when you try to figure out whether it’s right or wrong to judge your child in a particular situation, this session will plant your feet on solid ground in ways that may surprise you. This presentation requires a projector screen. Length: 35 minutes

Defending Homeschooling When Critics Say Homeschooling Parents Abuse Their Kids

One day a terrible parent in your state may do something criminal to a child—and the media may push the narrative that because the child was homeschooled, more restrictions should be placed on homeschooling families. This session will analyze some real-life situations where this has actually happened and equip you to give a compassionate, commonsense answer when family, friends, coworkers, or the local media assert that the problem is not enough homeschool regulations. This presentation requires a projector screen and an audio connection. Length: 50 minutes

Homeschooling with Confidence: Understanding Your State’s Homeschool Law

This session covers everything you need to know about your state’s homeschool law so you can homeschool with confidence. It includes a thorough presentation of the basics with plenty of time for questions. Length: 50 minutes

Getting Through The Toughest Day of Your Life: Lessons From the Book of Job

Sooner or later, we all have it: the most absolutely horrendous day of our lives. Maybe it’s a whole week! You know the story: Job goes through terrible suffering, God responds, and Job’s fortunes are restored. But there’s more to the story. In this session, Scott reveals the powerful, hidden tools within Job’s story that can help you not just survive, but overcome, when your day of testing comes. It could turn out to be your finest hour. Length: 50 minutes

Fostering and Adopting: Marie Cosette's Journey

What’s it like to foster or adopt a child with life-threatening medical problems, a cloudy prognosis, and probable lifelong headwinds? How tough is the decision to make a child yours forever, with all the responsibilities—financial and otherwise—that accompany that decision? Scott will use this session to share his personal experience, including the unexpected blessings along the way. Scott does not grant permission to record this session.

Keeping Your Family Safe During a Child Abuse or Neglect Investigation: Simple Strategies that Work

You don’t know when it could be you. But knowing beforehand what to do when a caseworker knocks on your door can mean the difference between quickly resolving a child abuse / neglect investigation and watching helplessly as a caseworker takes your children away and puts them in a foster home. After helping more than a thousand families in abuse and neglect investigations, Scott offers wisdom based on experience. This presentation includes an easy-to-understand explanation of the 4th Amendment, six proven strategies, and instruction that may help you keep your family together should government agents appear on your doorstep. Length: 50 minutes