Cover photo: The Romeike family at their meeting with ICE last October

I am pleased to report that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) staff met with the Romeike family and extended their permission to stay in the US for another year. We are celebrating this good news and praising the God who provided it.

This is consistent with the prior decisions of ICE going back to 2012. As a reminder, last year ICE informed the Romeikes—after the family had spent 15 years in the United States building a home in their community—that they would need to go back to Germany.

Though the Romeikes remain under an Order of Supervision, the ICE notice in 2023 to the family to get their passports in order and prepare to leave the country came as a shock. With your help, a lot of hard work, and the faithful provision of the Most High God, that situation will not be repeating itself this year.

Sadly, the Romeike’s legal status remains unchanged. Until a permanent solution is achieved, we will continue to work with members of Congress and others to advocate on their behalf for a just and permanent solution, so that the family does not face this risk each year. If you want to support HSLDA’s work in helping the Romeikes and other families in need, please donate here.

We’re grateful the current hurdle in front of them has passed, and we remain hopeful for the future.