
Leading a Group

Support for group leaders like you

Leading a homeschool group is both rewarding and challenging at times. HSLDA Group Services is here to equip you with the knowledge you need to lead your group with confidence and purpose.

Keep reading for in-depth articles, a brief video, and more ways HSLDA can serve your group!

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Thank you for protecting homeschool freedom!

We deeply appreciate group leaders like you for playing a part in supporting homeschool freedom. You do this by strengthening the voice of homeschooling in local and national conversations. Watch this short video to learn more.


Having the right resources at your fingertips can make all the difference in leading your group. These curated articles have been written for one purpose—to help your group thrive!

Darren Jones

Meet Darren Jones!

Darren is the director of Group Services at HSDLA. He's also an attorney, homeschool grad, and homeschooling father. He enjoys supporting group leaders in their vital role of helping families homeschool succesfully.

Have a question about group leadership? Want help brainstorming an idea or solution? Reach out to Darren and his friendly team!

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HSLDA Support

Consider taking advantage of these free benefits that HSLDA provides to groups! They are designed to support your leadership and strengthen your group.

List your group on our website

Help families find your group through our online search. Click here if you would like to list your group or edit your current listing.

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Become an HSLDA Discount Group

Get a group discount on HSLDA membership and extra perks by becoming an HSLDA Discount Group! Applying takes 10 minutes.

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Contact our Group Services Team

Have a question about your group that you’re not sure how to answer? Our Group Services team would be happy to hear from you!

Contact Group Services

Request a speaker

Request one of our engaging speakers for your next event! Perfect for conferences, capitol days, leadership meetings, and more.

Browse Our Speakers

Apply for a Group Grant

Explore a grant designed to support and grow your homeschool group.

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