ARTICLE Virginia Religious Exemption to Immunization Form This form is for Virginia homeschool families who have a religious objection to the state immunization laws.
RESOURCE Virginia Certified Tutor Letter Virginia residents may fill out this letter and mail it "CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED" to the superintendent of your school district.
RESOURCE Carta de tutor certificado de Virginia Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.
RESOURCE Virginia Sample Letter of Exemption from Kindergarten If you live in Virginia, you may send this letter to the county school board and waive the requirement that you file a notice of intent for your 5-year-old.
RESOURCE Virginia Notice of Intent Form Virginia residents may fill out this report and mail it "CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED" to the superintendent of your school district by August 15 of each year.
RESOURCE Formulario de Aviso de Intención de Virginia Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación.
RESOURCE Virginia Adding a Child to Religion Exemption Form Use this sample letter to add your child to your religious exemption in order to homeschool under the religious exemption option.
RESOURCE Formulario para agregar a un niño a la exención religiosa de Virginia Utilice este formulario como se indica a continuación. Los miembros interesados en aprender más sobre la exención religiosa en Virginia pueden leer un memorando de nuestro abogado aquí.
RESOURCE Virginia Withdrawal Forms Depending on which homeschooling option you choose, you may use one of these forms to follow the withdrawal procedure of the Virginia school your child is currently attending.