ARTICLE Recordkeeping Tools How will you tell your child’s educational story? Here are a few options . . . Three-ring binders, photo albums, file folders, online recordkeeping services
BLOG 4 rutas alternas en la planificación de clases (y por qué decidimos tomarlas) Una de las alegrías de educar en casa es que no tenemos por qué encasillarnos en algo que no funciona.
BLOG Finding the Time for Priorities “Don’t say ‘no,’ just so that you can be a little less inconvenienced. Say ‘no’ so you can say ‘yes’ to what God is putting on your heart.”
BLOG A Procrastinator’s Approach to School Planning Not a type A planner? No problem! From conferences to curriculum, here are some ideas for starting the school year.
COURT REPORT Delegation: A New Approach It’s not that “I’m not very good at delegating.” It’s just that I have to approach it in a way that works for me.
BLOG The Drawing Board: The Art of School Planning Are you someone who needs a plan? You’ve come to the right place.
BLOG 4 Lesson Plan Detours (and Why We Took Them) One joy of homeschooling is that you aren’t locked into something that isn’t working!