
17 results for   Category: History of Homeschooling


Could COVID-19 Get Us Back to Where We Truly Belong?

With the global pandemic closing schools and businesses, this Ugandan homeschool dad sees more families looking to the home as a place of education and commerce.

Bartholet: A Change of Heart?

Professor Bartholet recently clarified that she does not want to see homeschooling “all but banned”. Then she pointed to her recent law review article as the best explanation of her position ... where the “presumptive ban” language comes from.

Don’t Ban Homeschooling Based on Stereotypes

Homeschooling is one of the best things that has happened to me, in part because it allowed my parents to teach moral and religious values right along with academic and hands-on instruction.

Primary Reason Behind Homeschooling is Lack of Safety in the Public Schools

Professor Elizabeth Bartholet claims homeschooling should be restricted because students are safer in public school. But parents say safety concerns in public schools are precisely why they choose homeschooling.

Professor Bartholet Wrong on International Law

At a time when over a billion children in 190 countries are suddenly schooling at home as the result of a pandemic, Professor Elizabeth Bartholet has been publicly advocating that most parents should not be allowed to homeschool.

The Last Word

Our series responding to Professor Elizabeth Bartholet’s call for a presumptive ban on homeschooling by attorneys and education scholars was intended to show the immeasurable benefits of this amazing option to children, families, and our nation.

Attorney General Agrees with HSLDA On Right to Take Public School Classes

Unlike many other states, South Dakota permits homeschool students to enroll part-time in public school classes.

“The State Requires Your Special Needs Child to be Tested”

If you’re the parent of a child with special needs who switches to homeschooling, one thing to remember is that officials can’t force you to keep getting services through the public schools.

In Defense of Homeschooling: Writers Respond to Harvard Prof's Call for a Ban

Harvard graduates, journalists, researchers, advocates, and other friends of homeschooling pointed out how Bartholet’s views mischaracterize the movement and threaten freedom.

A Homeschool Researcher Responds to Harvard Professor’s Criticism

The purpose of this paper is to place in context and evaluate the efforts of many of those who negatively criticize homeschooling, homeschool researchers, or particular research studies on parent-led home-based education.