Homeschool groups—both large and small—are the backbone of successful homeschooling. You provide the community support and resources that allow families to benefit most fully from homeschooling’s independence and flexibility. And if your organization is like most, it all happens through volunteer efforts and a tight budget.

HSLDA applauds and thanks you! Groups like yours are a vital part of making homeschooling possible, and we want to do everything we can to support you. If you’re looking for opportunities to stretch your resources a little further, here are six ways HSLDA can help your group make and save money.

1. Get free advice from HSLDA. 

Do you have a practical or legal question in your capacity as a group leader? Contact us at or 540-338-5600 and our Group Services team will be happy to assist you. No question is too big (or too small)!

2. Become an HSLDA Discount Group. 

Our Discount Group program encourages families to both join HSLDA and participate in a local support organization. Any homeschool group with 10 or more families may join the program, and each family in your group will then receive an annual $15 HSLDA membership discount. There are other benefits too, such as earning one free HSLDA membership each year for properly maintaining your group roster and a discount on group insurance. Find out more here.

3. Apply for an HSLDA Compassion grant.

HSLDA Discount Groups with at least 25 HSLDA member families are eligible for group grants that may be used for tax-exempt purposes. Your Discount Group will automatically receive an application each year if your group roster is kept up to date. Get the details here

4. Participate in HSLDA Online Academy’s Earn and Learn program. 

HSLDA Online Academy offers online high school courses that prepare homeschooled teens for AP Exams and college. The Academy’s referral program,  Earn and Learn, can be used by groups as well as individuals. Simply apply to receive a unique promo code, and any first-time Academy student who signs up for a course using your code will receive a discount or other benefit—and your group will receive a commission.

5. Outfit your graduating class with discounts from the HSLDA Store. 

Our online store makes it easy for homeschool grads to celebrate, with diplomas, caps, gowns, announcements, and honor regalia! To find out about quantity discounts on these items that you can pass along to the families in your group, call HSLDA at 540-338-5600 and ask to speak with the Store.

6. Take advantage of HSLDA’s free resources for homeschooling families.

HSLDA’s website, blog, and webinars offer loads of practical guidance and encouragement for families in every stage of homeschooling—from first timers to those with years of experience. Check out our resources often to see what we’ve added and share them with your group to build parents’ expertise and confidence!