There are many reasons why homeschooling can be great for your family. But central to them all, is the idea that you get to choose what's best for your family. Here is a sample of quotes on why parents and children love homeschooling!

Discovering Love of Learning

Homeschooling allows me the opportunity to ensure my son develops a lifetime love of learning. I believe it will also help cultivate a critical, yet creative mindset and afford him countless opportunities in his future. —Tracy M.

Homeschooling has given us the most opportunities to provide a solid education, create a love of learning, pass on our values, and promote family unity. —Jane E.

Flexibility: Scheduling That Fits Us

My husband works a swing shift (his schedule changes every week), so the kids wouldn’t see him much if they were in public school. We can revolve our schedule a little around his days off: some weeks we have Wednesday off (with dad) and we’ll do school on Saturday when daddy’s at work. —Michelle C.

We like the fact that we can do it anywhere and anytime—we travel a lot because of our overseas assignment in Asia. —Craig S.

Even though I need to work 3-4 days a week, we can homeschool thanks to the flexible schedule of my work and the schedule we can make for ourselves when homeschooling. —Katerina S.

Personalizing Education

Homeschooling has given us flexibility to teach differently for each child to meet individual needs. —Jane E.

I like that we can choose our curriculum to fit our children’s individual needs. We can take in all of God’s wonders as we explore outside. I love that I can be a part of my children’s life as they explore, and learn things for the first time or read their first book. —Suzette M.

I can fit our curriculum to the way that she learns, as we all learn differently. Any careers that she is interested in during that school year, we will incorporate into our studies. We also participate in a local homeschool group to share our time, ideas and field trips! —Pam D.

Individualizing the Pace

Homeschooling . . . allows us to work around [our daughter’s] sensory and anxiety issues. . . . as something catches [her] attention we can branch off and explore that topic. Flexibility allowed two older children to graduate at their own pace. Our son needed extra time and another daughter graduated at 16 and began college early. —Michelle J.

In 2010, I started homeschooling. I had gone to public school up until then, but my mom decided it was time for me to . . . be able to progress at my own speed and excel in areas that school couldn’t highlight. . . . Now I am a senior in high school and because of the flexibility that homeschooling allows, I am able to complete classes for my high school diploma, as well as dual enroll at community college to get a jump on my college degree. I hold down a part-time job as well to help save for college, and to help me learn financial responsibility. None of this could be possible if my parents hadn't been willing to homeschool me and my siblings, but because they have, we are blessed and have some really great opportunities, as well as a multitude of life experiences. —Brianna D., student

Providing A Safe & Stable Learning Environment

She said to me yesterday while doing school, “Mama, I love homeschooling. I’m not as stressed, I don’t get bullied anymore and you are my teacher. I love you, Mama.” Yeah, I just about melted. —Erica S.

Why do we homeschool? The extra time to build relationships and watch the kids develop as individuals. Also, recognizing that you protected your child from an environment that would have damaged them, and that you have been able to help them overcome struggles in a slower, more gentle way than the schoolyard mob. —Dana K.

We’re a military family, and we are about to make our ninth move since our homeschool journey began with our oldest son 15 years ago. The freedom to move from state to state and still keep (consistently) homeschooling has been a true blessing. HSLDA has helped us navigate that freedom in different states and we are thankful! —Jamie E.

Meeting Special Needs

I am a disabled veteran and single stay-at-home mom of a special needs and learning disabled only child. I love to read and she likes to constantly keep busy and has a hard time focusing. Homeschooling allows us the freedom to volunteer and visit family elsewhere when we want to further real-world education like science at the zoo. . . . she will receive a quality education that fits her needs and learning style. —Heather H.

My son is a 10-year-old—he is also non-verbal with severe autism and intellectual disabilities. As he declined in the public-school sector several years back, we knew it was time as a family to make a change.

Rishi is now happy in his own home environment with less stress and distractions. He is able to take the needed sensory breaks that he medically requires. He has therapists that work in home and in outpatient settings, one on one, with him as part of our homeschool curriculum.

Using evidenced-based treatment in the home setting has made a tremendous difference. Learning the techniques as a parent has also been very rewarding. His behaviors have decreased in the home setting and his attention and focus has increased.

Homeschooling has been a saving grace to Rishi and our family. It is priceless to a parent to see your child well, safe, and happy. —Ashley J.

Last year, I withdrew my granddaughter from public school because of her autism. We were both relieved and excited beginning this new journey together. The first few months were a struggle as I tried to find materials that fit her learning style. When I realized that I needed to “introduce” new information instead of “teaching,” she was able to relax and learn. It gives me a great sense of pride when I hear her repeat things she’s learned recently. I know she’s learning!

Homeschooling gives me an opportunity to teach at a level and pace my kiddo can handle. I love that I can include more appropriate material for her, also. She is learning life skills which is something she will need as she gets older. Homeschooling is not easy; it’s better! —Melanie R.

Pursuing Passions

Homeschooling gives me the time I need to improve on my passion. . . . People always ask “Do you have friends?” or “Were you bullied in school?” and I always answer “Yes I have friends” and “No, I was not bullied in school.” . . . “So why are you homeschooled?”

Well for me, I want to be an entrepreneur and start early. Homeschooling gives me that opportunity. —Hanna A., student

Nurturing Relationships

For me, homeschooling offered a deeper and closer relationship with my mom and siblings.—Sarah P., second generation homeschool mom

Homeschooling gives me the time to form close relationships with my children, and that's in addition to all the other benefits. —Elizabeth B.

We are blessed and thankful for the freedom and close family relationships that homeschooling has provided for our family! —Matt & Daniela W.

Living the Adventure

It has been one of my greatest and most challenging adventures. We’ve had our share of struggles, but I wouldn’t trade this time with my girls for anything. —Katrina N.

My family’s homeschooling journey has been wonderful, and I really hope to homeschool my own children someday . . . Homeschooling is such a wonderful adventure! —Abigail S., student

What I value most about our freedom to homeschool is not just learning about places and history through a book but actually being able to leave whenever we want, to submerge ourselves in the beauty and take it all in—being there up close and personal. We have had plenty of adventurous and educational road trips that leave an immeasurable bond that we can’t explain. —malekosmom, Instagram